NEW: Custom maps and GIS services

Canon House Clinic

Created by canonhouseclinic, last updated Thu, 19 Sep 2024 00:58 (UTC).

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Map details

Pages 1
Paper A4 multi-page
Scale 1:2500
Price (download) Free
Price (delivered print) n/a

Map Description

Led by world-renowned cosmetic and restorative dentist Mark Hughes, the Canon House team works at the leading edge of art and science.  Mark brings with him +25 years of experience at the helm of world-famous clinics on London’s Harley Street and an impressive collection of awards in recognition of his work.  With state-of-the-art facilities and technology like digital smile planning and 3D imaging, Mark and the Canon House team treat minor cosmetic adjustments with the same care and attention as a full smile rehabilitation – and always with stunning yet natural results.  Dentistry by Canon House represents some of the finest cosmetic and restorative dentistry to be found anywhere in the world. Learn more

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